6 New Year’s Resolutions That Can Be Good For You And Your Dog!

©Reader's Digest When a new year starts, we go all crazy making all sorts of new year’s resolutions that will turn this new year into...

11 Ways To Train A Dog To Stop Barking

a dog barking at nothing and for no reason is alarming, so here you have 11 tips on stopping a dog from barking excessively.

Here Are 4 Reasons Why Your Pooch Always Wakes Up At Night And How...

© Acme Canine For a lot of us sleeping is our favorite part of the day. You’re finally getting cozy on your bed after a...

6 Tips On How To Teach Your Dog to Understand Words!

© John Academy Just like kids, dogs tend to learn a certain word when they hear that certain word or phrase a lot. That being said,...

How to Help Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Strangers

If you’re a dog owner and your puppy gets super stressed and scared around strangers, you’re probably wondering what you can do about it, so without any further ado, let’s learn a little bit about dog behavior

Potty Training Your Puppy: Here Are 9 Amazing Tips To Try!

©Scratchpay Potty training your fluffy dog friend is not always an easy task, and it can be maddening both for you and your pet. But...

6 Surprising Ways Your Pet Can Get Gas!

© Scratchpay As with us humans, pets can equally get gas and suffer from bloating issues! Therefore, if your dog has bad gas, you need...

How to know what your dog is trying to tell you

Dogs are absolutely amazing. They keep us company, give us unconditional love, and grant us wonderful bonding moments and memories that we...

How To Exercise A Senior Dog: Dos And Don’ts!

We all want our dogs to live longer and even wish they could live forever. Dealing with such a loss can be...

Top 10 Amazing Cities For You And Your Adorable Dog!

© Dogtime Being a dog parent is a really rewarding job – they are the most caring, loyal and amazing creatures on the planet. Dog...

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