8 Things You Should Know Before Getting A New Puppy!

Having a new dog is not an easy task. It requires a lot of responsibility and patience from the pet parent, and not all...

5 Ways You Can Help Your Dog During The Quarantine

© 99.1 KGGI - iHeartRadio Because of quarantine, our lives changed dramatically. We can no longer leave the house unless we have something urgent to...

5 Things You Need To Know Before Adopting A Giant Dog Breed!

© The Spruce Pets Are you a huge fan of dogs? Those loyal, domestic, and smart animals that bring joy and happiness to your house?...

9 Signs Your Dog Is Jealous And How To Stop It!

© Mis animales We might find jealousy cute when it comes from our partner, kid and even more when it comes from a fluffy cute...

10 Sad Signs Your Pet Actually Hates You!

© Reader's Digest Having a pet is a milestone in some people’s lives, and who can blame them? After all, there are a million good...

7 Amazing Ways to Help Animal Shelters This winter

©Change There is no greater proof of love than helping and caring for an animal, especially in winter when the shelters are overcrowded and the...

10 Things You Need to Know before You Fly with Your Dog

©therealvoyage Maybe your travel itinerary includes many countries and you do not want to leave your dog alone in the house for a long...

How To Choose The Best First Puppy For Your Kids

©AARP How to choose the best puppy for children who dream of having one? Dogs can bring so much joy to human hearts and make...

5 Reasons Why Sleeping Next To Your Pet Is A Bad Idea

To some of us, pets are not “just animals.” The bond we form with our pets can be so profound that we see them...

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