How To Check Your Pet For Ticks Properly!


Last Updated on January 5, 2021

© Dogs – LoveToKnow

Ticks are truly not only a dog’s worst nightmare but also an owner’s worst nightmare. Even though they are not considered extremely dangerous, they are carriers of many diseases that can be easily transferred to us, humans. Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, or Erhlichiosis are just a few examples of diseases that can be transmitted from ticks to us.

Some symptoms of tick disease in dogs are fevers, vomiting, loss of appetite, wobbly walk, etc. Some types of diseases may even cause fever and illness in not only dogs but people as well.

So how can you prevent dog ticks? Besides keeping an open eye about your dogs fur, you should also be aware of the main areas where ticks hide, so you know exactly where to look first.

So without any further ado, let’s look at the five principle areas where ticks hide in dogs!

1. Eyes

Ticks are attracted to moist areas in one’s body, so it doesn’t come as a surprise the fact that they can live in your pet’s eye skin area.

Our eyes accumulate a lot of dirt, water, and other body fluids, which ticks feed off.

Some ticks are the same color as your dog’s fur, which makes it more difficult for you to see them at a normal distance. So whenever you’re suspicious about your dog having ticks, get a closer look, grab a flashlight if needed, and do the inspection yourself!

There’s nothing more uncomfortable than having a feeling that something is inside your eye or near it, so imagine how much discomfort your dog might feel while having ticks living on his eyes.

2. Between their toes

Unlike cats, dogs don’t spread their toes to clean them, which makes it a perfect spot for these little creatures to hide in. Especially because it’s a hidden place that you can’t normally see unless you check, your dog may be accumulating a lot of these parasites in there.

Even though a ticks bite doesn’t hurt, you can still pick on some signs of ticks in dogs.

If you notice your dog cannot stand, move, has a wobbly walk, a lump, or doesn’t want to eat, those are indications that your dog may have a parasite. It’s your job to either check it for yourself or take him to the vet to get further care.

3. Neck

There are many different types of ticks on dogs, we have the typical American dog tick, the lone star tick,black-legged or deer tick, and the brown dog tick. All of these can be found in one special place in your dog’s body, and that is the neck area. Curious to know why?

The answer relies on the dog’s collar, which is a hiding place for ticks since it’s dark and very moisty.

If you want to know how to get rid of ticks on dogs, consider removing your dog’s collar every other day to check if it’s tick-free or not.

4. Ears

Ticks in dog ears are very difficult to remove! Some of them crawl into the ear canal and make it impossible for you to reach them.

It’s the main spot for ticks to live since it consists of a warm, moist environment where they can safely hide. A good trick on how to get rid of dog ticks is to get a flea comb that’s specifically made for tick removal.

Gently brush your dog’s fur while you move his ear carefully. Do this with the help of daylight or a bright lamp to see the ticks. If you notice your dog has ticks deep inside his ear canal, do not remove them by yourself.

Instead, take your dog to the veterinarian so he can receive proper care. However, if the ticks are very close to the surface and your dog can remain still, then you may try to remove them with some tweezers.

5. Hind Legs and armpits

Ticks often bite into a dog’s armpits and between the hind legs, making them appear as a lump of hair in your dog’s body.

This is why you should always be careful and gently spread your dog’s fur to check for ticks instead of just shaking them off or ripping them away.

Think of it as surgical treatment. You have to be super careful and use specific tools like a tweezer and alcohol to clean the tweezers.

You also need to grab the ticks head with the tweezers to remove it completely from your dog’s skin. Otherwise, you might rip the tick’s body, but the mouth is still left attached, leading to infection and inflammation.

So are there any home remedies or dog sticks treatment that you can do to remove and prevent ticks feeding of your dog successfully? The answer is yes!

If you want something quick and efficient, you can go to the nearest pet store and ask for a tick repellent. This consists of a chemical product that will help repel ticks whenever you go outside with your dog, just like a bug spray would work for people.

If you prefer, you can also make your repellent at home using basic ingredients. Here’s one of the easiest to do yet efficient mixtures:

Mix 2 cups of water, two tablespoons of organic neem oil, and 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar shake it off. Then you’ll have a natural anti-ticks remedy that can be sprayed on your dog’s skin, clothing, furniture, and so on. The smell might be a little intense, but it’s worth it!

Now that you’re aware of how to remove ticks from dogs, you should try to check your dog for ticks at least once a week. And every time you do it, washing and disinfecting your hands is important to protect your dog and yourself from further infections.

If you have any doubts about what products to use or how to act in the presence of these parasites, simply call your doctor or a pet store, they will provide useful information that will help your dog!