13 Foods You Need to Keep Away from Your Dog!


Last Updated on March 16, 2021

9. Avocado

Although avocado is one of the healthiest things humans can eat, it can be the worst food for dogs.

The avocado’ fruity flesh consists of a component called persin, which can be highly toxic for pups, not to mention that the fruit’s pit can be a choking hazard. So be extremely careful when treating yourself to a healthy avocado salad.

8. Dairy Products

You should avoid giving your dog cow’s milk because their body doesn’t have the necessary enzyme to synthesize milk sugar, and thus it can cause them various gastrointestinal problems. Moreover, the fat content in certain dairy products can lead to pancreatitis.

Basically, it’s ok to feed your dog a little bit of cheese, but try to avoid ice cream because its lactose and sugar content may make your pup suffer later on.

7. Salty Foods

If you want to share some popcorn, pretzels, or other snacks with your dog, just go ahead as long as they don’t contain salt.

Eating plenty of salt can make a dog suffer from fever, bloating, diarrhea, or even seizures.
So keep your salty snacks, as well as that salt container, out of your dog’s reach.

6. Onion and Garlic

Garlic basis can mess with your dog’s blood if eaten regularly or in large amounts at once. This also applies to onions, chives, and leeks. These foods contain certain compounds that can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia.

In case your dog ingested any, watch out for pale gums, abdominal pain, sudden weakness, rapid heartbeat, lethargy, and excessive panting.

5. Yeast Dough

If you’re making some homemade bread, no matter what you do, do not share raw dough with your dog.

The yeast in raw dough can make the dog’s gut expand and result in gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating and blockages, or even something more serious. What’s more, keep in mind that yeast left to ferment may also lead to a yeast infection or alcohol poisoning in dogs.

4. Cat Food

If you own both a dog and a cat, you may find yourself asking: Can dogs eat cat food? Well, the answer is NO! Cat food contains high amounts of protein and fat, which can damage a dog’s gut and liver.

Dogs’ bodies are built differently from cats’, meaning they have different needs and require different diets to stay strong and healthy.

3. Cooked Bones

Cooked bones are dangerous for dogs mainly because of splintering. While your pup is enjoying a delicious cooked chicken bone, for example, the bone may break and splinter due to chewing, thus harming the dog’s mouth, throat, or digestive cavity. In extreme cases, the poor pup might need surgery to survive.

2. Raw Meat

If you’re thinking about feeding your dog raw meat or fish, you should probably think again. Raw meats can promote inflammation or contain parasites and bacteria, such as E. coli or salmonella, which can cause serious health problems.

Ideally, you need to consult your vet before introducing any new foods or making any changes to your dog’s diet.

1. Alcohol

Our canine friends can also get alcohol poisoning, which alters coordination, breathing, or other bodily functions, and may result in seizures, coma, or even death.

So be careful not to leave any cups of beers within your pup’s reach, and if you ever spill some wine or rum on the floor, make sure to wipe it away immediately.

Please don’t hesitate to share this article with other dog owners and lovers to help them take better care of their furry family members.