Last Updated on January 10, 2021
5. What is the treatment for lead poisoning?
Lead poisoning is an urgent matter, which is why you should take your dog to the emergency clinic as soon as you suspect they might be suffering from it. Chelation therapy is one of the alternatives when treating this issue. This detoxifying practice relies on the ingestion of chelating agents that will then bind the lead present in your dog’s digestive system, thus preventing any further absorption. The vet must determine the appropriate type of chelating agent. Your dog’s vet might also choose to engage in gastric lavage. This will cleanse the stomach contents, thus removing any lead that might have been ingested in the hours before the treatment. If the levels of lead found on your dog’s body are very high, you can always try to medicate them. Some drugs in the market can help lower the lead levels in your puppy’s body.