Why is your dog shaking? 6 Common Causes of Dog Shivers


Last Updated on December 30, 2020

6. Looking for attention

Dogs are incredibly smart, they pick up on things very quickly, and if they notice that whenever they shiver they get your full attention, they might use it as a way of manipulating you into getting what they want. Some might shake to get some treats or some affection. And even though it might sound cute, it is not a behavior that should be accepted. If you already know that attention is the main cause of your dog’s shivers, then it’s best to ignore it for them to realize it’s not getting them anywhere. If you’re not sure, however, taking them to the vet is what you must do. Important tip: Shaking or shivering is not the same as dog seizures. A dog having a seizure is enough reason to get to the emergency vet as soon as possible. If a dog is having a seizure, normally, they tend to lose awareness and mobility. They might fall down and appear to be confused. A dog shaking and vomiting can also indicate some type of seizure or serious disease which should be taken care of immediately. If you reached the end of this article, you already know that, fortunately, shivering causes aren’t as dangerous as you could expect them to be, but they can still be a sign that something is wrong with your dog’s health. Whether it is physical or mental, having regular check-ups with your vet is the best way to prevent future illnesses and problems. Don’t be afraid to call for help.