7 Adorable Ways Your Dog Is Showing You Affection!


Last Updated on March 22, 2021

1. They bump you with their nose

Nosing is one of the many ways dogs show affection. Whenever they want to show you love, they will come to you and nudge you with their little nose. As a pet parent, you might think of this dog behavior as a way to seek attention, and it can also be that, but dogs will only crave your attention if they like you.

2. They make eye contact

Just as eye contact is an act of intimacy for humans, the same happens with dogs. If your dog makes eye contact with you, this means that they love and trust you, and if they maintain that same eye contact for long periods of time, this means that they are super attached to you.

However, be aware that making eye contact with an affectionate dog is different than making eye contact with a nervous dog. It’s important to read their body language and to know what you are dealing with.

3. They sigh

What does it really mean when your dog sighs? Sighing in dogs is not open to as many interpretations as sighing in humans. A sigh is a soft vocalization that, coming from a dog, means happiness.

If they sigh and then try to snuggle next to you, this means that they rely on you for comfort and protection, which is a deep-rooted sign of trust and love.

4. They lick you

If there is one sign of affection that is universal, that’s kissing, and dogs kiss too. Of course, they don’t kiss the same way as humans – they will lick you instead, but the meaning is just the same.

They will do the same thing to each other as a sign of love, and even though some dogs might drool a little bit, their kisses are the most honest, so enjoy them!

5. They jump around you

When it comes to dog body language, jumping is a sign that your dog is happy and excited. And an excited dog will do its best to try to get closer to your face – dogs love human faces – and to look directly into your eyes or kiss you.

They can be annoying when they do so, and jumping is often deemed as undesirable dog behavior, but try to remember that they are doing it out of love, and since your happy dog can’t use words to show you how much they care, they will get creative and find a million other ways, like jumping.

6. They lean on you

This is one of the cutest ways dogs will find to show you their unconditional love – leaning. What does it mean when your dog leans on you? Well, it means that they see you as someone they can trust and count on.

Leaning for dogs is the equivalent of a full-body hug, so there is no bigger expression of trust and love than this simple gesture. This behavior will be followed by some soft tail wagging that conveys happiness and satisfaction.

7. They roll over

Have you ever wondered about what it means when dogs reveal their tummy to you? Dogs won’t show their bellies to any person – they will only exhibit this behavior near someone they know they can trust.

If they feel like they can relax in your presence, they will offer you their belly. The catch? You will have to offer a million belly scratches in return, but we are guessing you can do that, right?

After reading this, what are your thoughts? Does your dog love you? And does your puppy show affection towards you in a way that is not on this list? Tell us all about it!