5 Ways To Reduce Your Dog’s Stress During The Vet Visits!


Last Updated on January 4, 2021

5. See If Your Veterinarian Does House Calls

Did you know you can ask the vet to come to your house and diagnose your dog there? Yes, it’s more expensive, but if you weight the pros and cons, calling in the vet might be worth it. Everyone feels safer and cozier inside their houses, it’s a familiar space, so we feel less nervous and dogs especially, feel more prone to collaborate in whatever the vet needs to do to them. If you have a stressed or/and antisocial dog, house-calls could be a great option. Just make sure you ask the vet to make the appointment in your dog’s favorite area in the house, maybe the place where he keeps all of his dog toys could be a good option. Ultimately, you want to have a healthy dog, so even if he hates going to the vet, you have no problem seeing him suffer because you know it’s for the best, and you’re right on that. But if you love your dog, you’d hate to see him hurting or suffering in any type of way, so why not invest in some of these tips listed above and see if one of them does the trick? At the end of the day, we don’t want just a healthy dog, we want a happy dog as well, so why not join both? It’s not impossible. You just need to have some patience and make a little bit of effort every day to achieve your goal.