5 Dog Eating Disorders Every Dog Owner Should Be Aware of


Last Updated on February 7, 2021

1. Eating feces

Coprophagia in dogs is a term that’s used whenever a dog eats feces. It can be their feces or other animals as well. Dogs are curious animals; they sniff everything. However, when they decide to consume feces, it means something is very wrong. Of course, this type of behavior is hazardous for your dog’s health since feces contain a lot of bacteria and parasites that can be toxic. It’s hard to point out a specific reason as to why your dog does this, but you must start discouraging or avoiding this type of behavior. Make sure you clean up right after your dog and pay attention to the streets where you take your dog for daily walks. Here are some explanations to why your dog is eating feces: -If you tend to punish your dog for pooping inside, he might start to eat his feces as a way to destroy the evidence and avoid consequences. -If you have more than one dog, it’s very common that the submissive one eats the feces of the dominant dog. -Female dogs usually eat poop to keep predators away and protect her puppies (feces can be a way for a dog or any other animal to learn about the animal who left the feces and their location) -Puppies eat poop because they’re unsure if it is food or not, but this habit tends to go away as they grow. -If your dog is hungry, they might try to eat their own feces. -Cat feces are super high in protein, which attracts dogs. – Pancreatic issues or parasites can also cause coprophagia. -Dogs might eat poop to get attention from their owners.