6 signs you’re not ready for a dog yet!


Last Updated on January 6, 2021

4. Don’t forget about the vet expenses

As soon as you adopt your dog, you should take them to the vet. Getting the typical dog vaccine and doing regular check-ups are a must for any type of dog. Most people always ask for a healthy dog when adopting. They do this because they don’t want to spend the extra money at the vet on specific exams and medication the dog might need. Still, if you do end up with a healthy dog but don’t follow the advised health plan by giving them high-quality dog food and taking them to the vet whenever it’s necessary, then you’ll end up with a dog who’s not healthy! Besides the normal expenses, you also have to think about your dog neutering cost that can go from 50 dollars to 0. Even though this procedure is not a requirement, it has a lot of benefits like avoiding testicular cancer and prostate diseases. A heartworm test is also necessary. It costs around , but the disease caused by infected mosquitos can be deadly, so it’s advised you take your dog to do this test at least once a year. These are just some examples of how much your dog health costs. Just to show you that you must have the financial ability to support these medical expenses instead of leaving your dog suffering by ignoring them.