6 signs you’re not ready for a dog yet!


Last Updated on January 6, 2021

5. Don’t adopt based on instinct

Yes, following your instinct might be great sometimes, but when it comes to big life decisions, you have to analyze the pros and cons. We advise you to make a list of what you think the pros and cons of having a dog are. Also, make a list of all the qualities you have that would make you a great dog owner, but also note your personality aspects that wouldn’t mesh well with being a dog parent. Reflect on the words you wrote, and make a final balance. Do you have a lot more pros than cons? Or is it balanced? If you really want to experience having a dog with you, some shelters allow foster care, where you take the dog for a short period of time to see how well you adjust, and even if it doesn’t work, at least you gave that dog a little bit of happiness, even if just temporary. By the end of this article, you might be wondering, “So, how much does a dog cost? ” In terms of money, don’t expect to spend less than one thousand dollars on your dog per year. From dog food to vet expenses and dog grooming, everything has a cost. But a dog will also cost you a lot of time and attention. You can opt by seeing all of this from the negative side, where having a dog means trouble, or you can see it from the positive side, where besides all the hard work, having a dog also means companionship, love, affection, and happiness. At the end of the day, a good dog owner wants a happy dog no matter what and is willing to make that happen.