5 Causes Of Excessive Hunger In Dogs And How You Can Fight It!


Last Updated on January 16, 2021

5. Inflammatory Bowel Problems

IBD, also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, attacks millions of dogs and humans every year. It’s not considered to be dangerous since it can be easily fought with the right medication. Some animals might require treatment for a couple of months, while others, unfortunately, might have to take medication for the rest of their lives. In any case, a dog is perfectly capable of having a happy and healthy life while dealing with inflammatory bowel problems. IBD is also one of the main causes of weight loss in dogs since it affects their body and the proper absorption of nutrients, resulting in increased hunger. It is most frequent in older dogs and certain breeds like Irish setters, Basenjis, and French bulldogs. — It’s always important to maintain a healthy diet for dogs, especially older ones. The best diet for dogs is a diet that contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Avoiding foods like chocolate, raw meat, and salty or over-sugared snack foods is key to maintain your dog’s health. If you want to know how to make your dog happy while on a strict diet, a few treats can be added to some meals, as long as you don’t overfeed them to your dog. Also, don’t forget that dogs can get sick pretty quickly and out of nowhere, so being a responsible owner and having health insurance for your pet is always a good idea. The best way on how to take good care of a dog is by providing him with good quality food, exercise, vet appointments, and of course, a lot of love.